"People like Eric couldn't exist in the climate of today's world. One foot on the earth, the other in the heavens. Living on the edge, Diving over it, Dying in it, Taking some of Evil with him, Leaving some behind; Taking some of Beauty along. Alluviums of melancholy flourish in the dust of memory.

People like Eric couldn't exist in the climate of today's world - one eye in the heavens, the other on the earth seeing this way before he ever left the Planet."

- Unknown

Historical Note:
Unavailable for and not mentioned in the following review is Elda Gentile who is the mother of Eric's son, Branch Emerson. Elda is currently publishing a book about her life with Eric, entitled Elda Rose.

To View 4 Eric Emerson Wake Photos, Click Here
“Magic Tramps,” the “Magic Tramps” logo and “Moonlight Dust" {Music}  - are all trademarks owned by Moonlight Dust, Inc. All audio, video, photos, quotes, print material, and likeness are not to be reproduced without authorization by the author.
If we have missed a copyright or credit please let us know.
"Max's Kansas City" is a registered trademark. All rights reserved by Yvonne Sewall-Ruskin

Special thanks all to the photographers - Jack Mitchell, Anton Perich, Joanne Russo,
Billy Name, Craig Highberger, Allan Tannenbaum, and others who contributed to the viewing of a
time piece and music history through this site.